We use Zoom to record our video meetings. Create a free account, configure a setting, and download your recorded meetings...
Zoom - https://zoom.us/
- Create an account or log into your existing account
- Requires only a valid email to sign up. Also offers login with facebook or google.
- Free Plan provides 40 minutes of continuous meeting time without interruption. This should be all you need to record a new member induction.
- **https://zoom.us/resources Great, quick videos to get you going in minutes.**
- **https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2pq4I1urXA** More detailed step-by-step instruction.(7:37 minutes)
- If you are using Cloud Storage and recording the meeting, you need to enable "Record active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately" to allow for Gallery Setting recording. Here's a video tutorial that shows the settings immediately below.