Leadership Roles - The Head chiefs should not bind obligations on the community that extend beyond their term and should not specify arbitrary roles
Representatives receive funds and are in charge of spending them.
"What is the role of the Head Chief vs. that of the Chief Delegates? Will sortition lead to the Board's role being far more powerful? Do we define the role of the Head Chief and of the Chief Delegates? Or do we let that just evolve however? As Chris asked, he became the Head Chief in the first Trial Election because he'd be a good mouth piece for the community. Sortition likely wouldn't have led to that outcome.
Roles are defined in terms of what the smart contract allows.
Another—and perhaps more important—way to discuss the topic is to say what they're not allowed to do
Author: Not known. By the fractally team Source: https://eoscommunity.notion.site/Eden-Mechanics-Q-A-42f0bd50caa146bba6890aa51125fd11#5ec3c0c326d548c6a70d70f8611dfa29