Individuals can be members of an Eden community. Many Eden communities creates Edens. Each Eden could grow to gain weight in the EOS Ecosystem.
"Democracy only works among relatively independent equals and only at a small scale. If we want to build larger democratic systems then they must be constructed to respect the law of relative power.
One way to do this is to organize governance into a hierarchy of relatively equal organizations. Individuals should be members of a family; families should be members of a church (or social club); churches should be members of a town; towns should be members of a county; and counties should be members of a state. The size difference of families versus families, churches versus churches, towns versus towns, and counties versus counties should be minimized. Likewise, the number of members in each horizontal level should be minimized. You don’t want a “democratic” county of 10,000 churches any more than you would want a church of 10,000 families, or a family of 10,000 people."
Author: Daniel Larimer