
Eden Logo Design Guide

The Eden logomark is easy to use.

The Eden Logomark

Black Logomark in white square

Black Logomark in white square

White Logomark in black square

White Logomark in black square

The Eden Logotype

Black Logotype for light backgrounds

Black Logotype for light backgrounds

White Logotype for dark backgrounds

White Logotype for dark backgrounds

The Eden Logo Lockups

Complete logo lockups for light backgrounds

Complete logo lockups for light backgrounds

Complete logo lockups for dark backgrounds

Complete logo lockups for dark backgrounds

The Eden Typography

Logotype font: Elevon 3G / Header font: SF Pro Display Bold* / Body font: SF Pro Display Light*

Logotype font: Elevon 3G / Header font: SF Pro Display Bold* / Body font: SF Pro Display Light*

*Use SF Display Pro when possible. Otherwise, use a well-designed version of the Helvetica font, such as Helvetica Neue.

The Eden Color Palette

Color palet

Color palet