Eden is a process automated by smart contracts for identifying who is a member of a community and how much budget they are allocated
"The purpose of this document is to outline a process for vetting and appointing individuals to control the allocation of EOS token creation, and therefore, the future direction of EOS. Control over financial resources is the ability to incentives the action of the community toward a particular vision."
Author: Daniel Larimer
Source: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/eos-community-governance-proposal-draft/947
"The current code-name for the governance community is Eden Operating System (EOS). Eden is a process automated by smart contracts for identifying who is a member of a community and how much budget they are allocated."
Author: Daniel Larimer
Source: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/eos-governance-draft-proposal-part-2/1274