
We'd like to set up and provide links to video conference rooms for 1) inductions and 2) elections (general room and breakout rooms) in a way that minimizes our dependence on other services and platforms.


Conversations started in the dev channel here: https://t.me/eden_dev/1315

Conference Initiation Flows

Option 1: Arbitrarily Links Generation with Encryption

Some conference services offer the possibility of generating random room names (eg.: Jitsi or Whereby).

In this flow, the first participant of the election room or induction ceremony, will generate a random room name (with sufficient entropy) and then encrypt it with all the other participants public key and publish to the chain.

This way only the participants can decrypt the room name and access the video link.

Option 2: Managing Meeting Participants with OAuth

In this flow we rely on services that do not allow us to define meeting room ids, but allow the users to login with their accounts through the Eden app instead. Then the user can generate a meeting and add another participants. This is the way that Zoom works.

We would need to create an Eden app in the Zoom App Marketplace, which will give us client and secret keys to asks the Eden members to login with their Zoom accounts.

✅ Option 3: Hybrid Meeting Creation with OAuth and Encryption

This flow is a mix of both above options. This is used with Zoom because of the limitations of free user accounts and us not having a database to store the created ids. That being the case, the generated meeting link id will be encrypted for all the participants and stored on the blockchain.

Managing meetings with Zoom


The Eden member, who wants to start a meeting, will authenticate with his Zoom account inside the Zoom Portal.